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Configuring Microsoft Outlook for Windows

Updated Thursday, October 22, 2020


In this short guide, we make a few assumptions:

Add Mail Account

Launch the Outlook application on your computer.

If this is a fresh Outlook installation, there are no accounts configured yet. Outlook will immediately pop up the new account wizard. Otherwise, you will have to start it yourself from the File menu, option Account Settings.

Now you can enter the email address of your Migadu mailbox. In the screenshots we have used the Migadu demo account, but you should obviously replace that one with your own details. Always use your full mailbox email address as username.

Outlook new account wizard

Outlook can attempt to detect the account settings automatically using the autodiscovery settings which are hopefully configured for your domain, but that may or may not succeed. Microsoft made auto-configuring very messy even though a simple public standard exists based on DNS SRV records.

If Microsoft autodiscovery worked, you would probably not be reading this, so lets do things the old-fashioned way. Expand Advanced options and check Let me set up my account manually.

You will be prompted for account type. We recommend choosing IMAP, which is what most of us today consider as default email experience.

Outlook new account wizard

Choosing IMAP will bring up the IMAP account settings.

Outlook imap settings

Configure the server addresses as given below.

In both incoming and outgoing mail, the option to Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) must be left unchecked.

Click Next.

Outlook imap settings

Enter your password when prompted and you are all set!